Thursday, 26 February 2015

New case study, Meet Tracey...

We are currently gathering some of the stories from our past participants to share with you over the coming weeks, the first in our series comes from Tracey...

Tracey, 50 found Arts on Prescription to be positive and have an impact on not just herself, but also her family and friends.
She initially felt quite nervous at the prospect of joining Arts on Prescription and attending the course alone. Tracey chose to enrol on the Drawing for beginner’s class after changing her working hours to be able to fit around the advertised programme.                                                                                                        
The course helped her develop her skills creatively and she found the tutor really encouraging; her confidence with Drawing has improved as a result of attending the 12 week beginner’s course.
Tracey now reads more and has taken up sewing and is still feeling motivated and positive since the course ended. Tracey particularly enjoyed meeting new people and saw how other students in the group developed too, ‘we encouraged each other and helped one another other where we could as a group’. 
In her own words; “Arts on Prescription has helped me to realise my capabilities, my family have also benefitted  in turn as I am a lot happier - it’s never too late”.

Thanks for reading,

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